Growing up on the East Coast of Australia, from a young age I had an obsessive love for creating and capturing moments. Unsure of what the purpose of the overwhelming desire to create every waking second of the day was, I blindly followed it anyway… little did I know how far it would take me.

So far in my 23 years of life, I’ve travelled to every corner of Australia - and the world, made friends in far places (and not so far places), brought visions to life I could have only dreamed of, and somehow have been able to call it all work.

I think it’s this love for creating that has allowed me to continually grow and pursue my goals and dreams in this space without any hesitation. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes there are tough days, and man, this shit is hard work - but when you have a purpose, nothing can get in the way of what you want to accomplish.

And what’s my purpose?

I want pursue my passions as a documentary filmmaker to tell meaningful stories of inspiring and influential people. To captivate audiences, and allow people to see into the lives and minds of the individual. I'm interested in a life of learning about the world, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures and understanding how others are living their lives - because in my opinion, there isn’t a better job out there!

So in saying that, if you or anyone you know has a unique or interesting story, life experience or insight - please don’t hesitate in reaching out to me to discuss the opportunity to visually tell your story. There’s nothing I love more in this world than using my talents to shine a light on the beautiful people that I come across.

Oh, and to all the brands / businesses out there, let’s chat! - I’m always open all kinds of video related work :)

Contact Me:


T: 0497 962 046